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Claustrophobia (In Time)

Album: Claustrophobia
Son Of Dog




Alt. Rock


A My Bloody Valentine-esque shoegaze piece dominated by distorted delay guitar noise, and lyrics about modern world paranoia.

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Dyou know how it feels inside of your life? I'm not trying to talk to you about responsibility, but you slouch into my room, your broken breath overtakes me, You're on the wall again, you better get off before you fall again, cos the king's horses and men won't be able to put you back together again. Dyou know how it feels inside It seems to me, that you have lost control of yourself again x2 It seems to me, that you have lost yourself in time In these times of modern torture, we must be careful. These people are cruel, just like me and you, We tamper with things that we shouldn't, we talk to people we shouldn't, and we know things that we most definitely shouldn't. Dyou know how it feels inside? It seems to me, that you are on your own again x2 It seems to me, that you have lost yourself in time Dyou know how it feels inside, this modern claustrophobia

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