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Got it

The x gf song

Album: The newz






This song maintains symboligy. I once asocated beeing in a band as If It was like beeing in a relationship with a girl. You fall In love and sometimes you fall out of love. As for me I had to let go so, In this dark spiral of dispair of which I fall with out the one to whom I called my own I must decline to an out reached hand For I would rather not burn out and not fade away but to only feel the air run by my face as I will shurley pass on in to a new life untill It starts again..

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So Im hangn off a cliff but, Ill have to decline to your out reached hands insted Ill just take flight. So as I fall a way from your grip I call out for your forgiveness. I call "will you crall out from that hardend place that youve made deep withen in your soul I call out from the dark a word of unforgiveing silcence I know Its just a start but I still hold you deep withen my heart". So now your diven off a clif...dont you feel alive... just to feel the air run by your face...and to not feel the flames in its place.

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