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Johnie Moon

Richmond, TX


People ask me all the time what my name means. Johnie Moon is the person inside of everyone that they want to be but can’t. He is that guy at the party that gets the girl you wanted. He is not afraid to make a move when everyone is waiting. The Moon is something everybody can look up to, but very few actually reach. Hello world I am Johnie Moon. My music is a cross of every sound in the universe that appeals to your sense of hearing, mixed with a boat load of Style. I could have used this bio...

People ask me all the time what my name means. Johnie Moon is the person inside of everyone that they want to be but can’t. He is that guy at the party that gets the girl you wanted. He is not afraid to make a move when everyone is waiting. The Moon is something everybody can look up to, but very few actually reach. Hello world I am Johnie Moon. My music is a cross of every sound in the universe that appeals to your sense of hearing, mixed with a boat load of Style. I could have used this bio to tell you the city I grew up in, the school I went to, or even the people that influenced my music. I could, but all that doesn’t matter at the moment. All that matter is you are hearing this sound coming through your head phones/cell phone/computer, and you enjoy it more than the average “musician” that has a music circulating the Internet. I’m from the planet music; I have no race, no skin color. I bleed treble clefs, and cry bass clefs. I hope u enjoy this ride as much as I do. It begins.

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