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Thats TRE

Centennial, CO


Music has a way of bringing people together, being theraputic by allowing you to realize there is someone out there who feels what you’re feeling at any given moment, but at the same time giving life to a party.  This is all true when it comes to “TRE” the 24 year-old Artist/Songwriter from Denver, CO. “When I was 20, my mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer out of the blue.  3 months after we found out she was gone.  One of the last things she told me in the hospital was sh...

Music has a way of bringing people together, being theraputic by allowing you to realize there is someone out there who feels what you’re feeling at any given moment, but at the same time giving life to a party.  This is all true when it comes to “TRE” the 24 year-old Artist/Songwriter from Denver, CO. “When I was 20, my mom was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer out of the blue.  3 months after we found out she was gone.  One of the last things she told me in the hospital was she wanted to hear another song.  I was not able to show her a new one before she passed, so everytime I step into that booth now I try to do it for her, hoping somehow she will hear it.” Substance is something rarely found in the hip hop/rap genre of music these days, something people say is taking the soul out of music. “I feel like alot of rappers now, all they do is boast about what they have, where they’ve been, how many girls they have.  It is almost like they are dissing their fans in their music.  The reason I fell in love with music, rap especially, is there was so much passion behind the words.  Hearing a song you can relate to is the best feeling in the world because it allows you to realize you are not alone.  There is someone out there who is feeling or has felt the exact same as you, and was passionate enough about it to write and entire song.  Those are the songs that I hope someday I can make, songs people will look back on 10 years from when it came out and say ‘that song really got me through some shit’ or ‘this was the song I was bumping when I met my wife’, sparking that type of emotion from people is priceless.” “TRE” describes his music as “LIFE” music. “I don’t want to limit my audience by classifying my songs as rap or hip hop.  The more people I can reach, the more I will gain from my experience in music.  Rock, Country, Pop, it doesn’t matter to me, good music is good music.” “TRE” has been featured on KQKS 107.5 6 times as the local artist of the week, KTCL 93.3 3 times, and was the first artist from Denver to perform in front of 20,000 people at Pepsi Center during the 2009 NBA Playoffs.

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