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T.C. Foxx

Biddeford, ME


After spending most of my life trying to live the way I was supposed to and expected to. I made the decision to go with what makes ME happy. So I hung up my Combat Boots and picked up a pen and paper and began a journey that has been hard and sometimes I just wanted to say it is never going to happen. But I am still here and I am fighting for my dream at least until the day I can no longer fight. I have encountered some great music and some very interesting things while finding out who T.C ...

After spending most of my life trying to live the way I was supposed to and expected to. I made the decision to go with what makes ME happy. So I hung up my Combat Boots and picked up a pen and paper and began a journey that has been hard and sometimes I just wanted to say it is never going to happen. But I am still here and I am fighting for my dream at least until the day I can no longer fight. I have encountered some great music and some very interesting things while finding out who T.C Foxx really is. Am I a R&B Princess with a little Country flair? I guess that I am, I won’t deny that, even if I am a California girl from the Burbs. Who lived a fairly privileged life with a great family and a great support system. Writing my own music is something that I think a good artist does. Being fed lines and being told who you are and what your music should be about is not for me, write know. I am sure that once I get out there and maybe someday soon get “noticed” things will change a bit. I may end up eating my words. Which is ok to a point, but I never want to change who I am. Just to satisfy what people think I should do, be and write. I do love writing it is so calming, relaxing and fun. And every minute of everyday is an inspiration for a song and so I pay attention and write. I enjoy collaborating, which still gives me the ability to keep apart of myself in every song and not allowing others define who I am. Which quite honestly is a big deal for me. I want to be seen as an artist unique and talented. Someone that stands her ground NOT just another one hit wonder grabbing 15 minutes of fame. I want to be around playing guitar, of course when I learn, and singing for as long as I can. I will not stop working hard because everyday is a new day and ya never know what the next will bring. I am very adamant about being true to ones self because of the reaction that I get from people when it comes to my choice of music. I never coward down about loving Country music and being a country girl(Even though I am from California). And I never will. No matter how many critiques are out there. My mother once told me that I have the sole of my grandfather. At times I think that I do. He was the first Black Cowboy I had ever met. He was awesome. I miss him and his straw cowboy hat. He worked hard and listened to Johnny Cash. I remember him working and singing. He was not the greatest singer. lol. He was the first person that turned me on to Country music. The first person that said that it was ok to love Country music no matter what was on the outside. "We all bleed the same, Right" I remember him saying that to me. My grandfather did not talk to me much but that is a conversation I will never forget. He truly was a great man who I hope will be proud to know that the music that he loved, I love. I always turned to Tanya, Reba and Wynonna and a few others to get through hard times. Of course when I was younger I did not share my love for Country with my family or friends. I did the opposite I told everyone I hated it. As nieve as that is I wanted to be like everyone else that looked like me. Through the years I still listened and became more confident in my choice of music. But in 2001 when life had taken a bad turn and OUR Country brought out the big guns. I was sent me off to do a job. And with all the stress and uncertainty I was able to turn to Country music to get piece of mind and strength to keep going. And I am thankful for that. And that is why Country music is so near and dear to my heart. Because in my life I have always had a place to go were I was just me. And my reality was in a song. I am know working on my music my skill a s a lyricist is a talent I didn’t not think would come to me very easily but amazingly to me it is not that difficult. I write music that moves me that tells a story. And shares a little bit of myself with the world. I am doing as much as I can to do this, and do it right. put it all out there.

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